Youth Spotlight - Khevin


Khevin Angga Putra is a GEAS Global Youth Advisory Board member from Indonesia

Why did you decide to join the GEAS Global Youth Advisory Board?

As a young person, I want to contribute to having a beneficial impact on the health of adolescent sexuality not just in Indonesia, but around the world. I desire to meet other people from other backgrounds and nations in order to broaden my perspective on the world, particularly on this topic of comprehensive sexuality education.

Which issue or topics you are interested in (e.g. mental health, youth employment, ending gender-based violence, climate change, etc)?
I'm very interested in the issue of CSE (Comprehensive Sexuality Education)

What kind of job would you like to do later in life?
According to the degree I'm now pursuing, I want to pursue a job as a Digital Marketer.

Who inspires you and why?
I am really inspired by Richard Dawkins. He is an evolutionary biologist, who has produced several best-selling books and is an outspoken defender of rational thought. There need to be more people like him in the world. I think he is an uncommonly talented biologist, and scientist, one who is able to place the same rigor on his philosophical beliefs as his scientific ones. He also stands up selflessly (despite the tremendous persecution he faces) for ideas and ideologies that lead to a better world, such as women's rights, scientific literacy for all people, and the search for (not *only* in the religious sense) the true nature of things.

What are some of your favorite hobbies?
My hobbies are listening to music, watching movies, discussing, and doing social work.