Ethical conduct of research is a critical component of study methodology, especially when working with young adolescents. The Johns Hopkins Coordinating Center provides in-depth ethical training to each of its site partners and has made this training available as part of its training suite. Additionally, in partnership with Save the Children, the GEAS conducted a scan of ethical standards followed by NGOs and donor organizations to understand the ethical issues faced by providers as well as researchers working with adolescents.

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Ethics in Research and Programming with Very Young Adolescents

Research with VYAs tends to be ethically tenuous for a number of reasons. Although numerous case studies exist, clear guidelines for research and programming with VYAs do not exist.

By the end of this module you should be able to…

  • Understand the role of consent and assent in the context of working with VYAs

  • Understand the role of abuse protocols

  • Describe the unique ethical challenges in working with VYAs


This section provides an overview of ethical practice working with VYA’s.

For more information on this subject, visit