Young Adolescents in the Time of COVID: Findings from Around the World


When the COVID-19 pandemic began in March of 2020 and schools closed around the world, it became immediately apparent that there would be an impact on the lives of adolescents both now and in the future. The Global Early Adolescent Study has successfully implemented a mixed methods sub-study that measures the impact of COVID-19 on the existing global cohort, thus allowing a comparison with pre-COVID data in the same population. This webinar will feature results from the first round of data collection in this study, focusing on adolescents in China, Indonesia, DRC, Malawi, and Belgium. The event speakers will present information that stems from the following questions:

● How do adolescents experience social distancing and educational disruptions?

● How are their families economically impacted?

● What is the impact of COVID on young people's health and wellbeing including their mental health?

● What types of supports do adolescents need to cope with COVID-19 and its aftermath?


Caroline Moreau, MD, PhD
Associate Professor
Director of Research: Global Early Adolescent Study, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health


Mengmeng Li, MSPH, MBBS, CPH
Senior Data Analyst: Global Early Adolescent Study, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

Eric M. Mafuta, MD, MPH
Senior Lecturer: Health Systems Policy and Management, University of Kinshasa School of Public Health

Chunyan Yu, MD
Research Assistant: Shanghai Institute of Planned Parenthood Research

Kristien Michielsen, PhD
Assistant Professor
Senior Researcher: International Centre for Reproductive Health (ICRH), Ghent University

Kara Hunersen, MPH
Assistant Study Director: Global Early Adolescent Study, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health


Venkatraman Chandra Mouli, MBBS, MSc
Scientist: Department of Sexual and Reproductive Health and Research World Health Organization Geneva Switzerland

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